Buy Bunnahabhain 1979 25 Year Old First Cask online - Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky

Bunnahabhain 1979 25 Year Old First Cask

ABV: 46% - Size: 70cl

Bunnahabhain 1979 25 Year Old, First Cask Malt Whisky Circle, Cask 11889

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Best price and availability at The Whisky Vault

Buy now $665 (£500.00)

This 25 year old Scotch whisky was distilled by Bunnahabhain in the year 1979. It was then bottled and released by the highly acclaimed bottler First Cask. The whisky is bottled at a decent ABV of 46%, a step up from the standard 40% level, and ships in the de facto bottle size of 70cl.